Thursday, February 23, 2017

Test Results

On Tuesday, we were set to get the results from all the stuff leading up till now.  I was feeling decent so I decided to try and drop Robb off and daycare and go to work for a little while.  It was nice to see most of the guys again.  It had been nearly 2 weeks I think since I've been into the office.  I sat in on the daily stand-up and actually worked for almost an hour before I had to go to the oncologist.  It was nice being normal for a short time, but my leg did take the brunt of it.  It was pretty swollen by the time I got checked in for my appointment.

The appointment kind of filled in the gaps.  My oncologist explained that I wasn't eligible for the trial out of the U of M, so it was good we weren't banking on that as an option.  He told us the bone marrow biopsy returned negative, so that is a good thing.  It means the cancer hasn't spread into the blood.  He did say the cancer is contained to my lymph nodes but has taken over some of the muscle tissue in my right thigh.  For the most part, this is good news.  While it has spread, it is still fairly contained and is treatable.  He says I have a 50-60% chance of beating it, so that is good enough for me.  We finalized a few things about starting chemo and we were off.

I drove home and Katie went back to work.  She has been amazing through this whole process.  Extremely supportive and keeping me on track.  I wouldn't be getting through this without her.  When I got home, I slept.  I was hoping to work a bit more for the day, but the adrenaline dump and being up and about for so long wore me down.

I ventured out later that night to Nick's Cub Scout Blue & Gold Banquet.  This is the high-point of his time as a Cub Scout.  He got to cross over to Boy Scouts tonight.  Originally, I wasn't sure if I'd make it but I was determined to be there for Nick and the other boys in his den.  My dad even drove up, so he got to see how it worked and see both boys in uniform.  It started with dinner and a presentation to raise money for the local District, then it was time for the Arrow of Light and Bridging Ceremonies.  I've been through it with Alex before and seen a few, but it is still a big deal to see the boys moving on.  I was den leader for these boys for the last few years.  We had a few leave and a new one joined, but we finished the year with 7 Scouts in our den, 5 of which have crossed over to Boy Scouts.  I'm happy for all 7 and very proud of how hard they worked.  I really had a great time helping out.

We finished up the evening at the Scout Center and headed home.  I was spent.

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